photo © bob arnold
DREAMERSTo reach down at knee height
And bring your hands up under
Her dress and rise without
Hesitation or any resistance
Is naked
KINDNESSNo one spoke to her much, how strange —
Not family or friends and even those who
Sat with us at meals couldn’t say a word to her
Or even look her way. That must be beauty.
But every time she went to town and was alone —
A pretty scarf, an intriguing handbag, forever
And ever elderly women in parking lots and
Aisles of stores sought her out. This daughter
Whose own mother wouldn’t speak to her
Had women without daughters
Eating seed from her hand.
A HAPPENINGA year, at least, since I’ve
Had the chance to talk
To any neighbor
From afar I see one hike
The muddy road in bright
Pants and dull winter coat
For some reason she turns around
So I lift my arm and wave
And she waves

photo © susan arnold
DAWNTo live by a woods river
Forever is to finally
Forget it
& to remember
It again
Is something
NO OTHERAfter she was sick awhile
She became thinner
Still young enough and strong
Her moves sexy
I couldn’t keep my hands off her hips
The attention delighted her
She blushed instead of being too confident
Her hair fell to pieces like always
When she looked up my sky was blue
At night she fell asleep by the wood fire
There never would be another woman
Rain at the windows for days was welcome
In times of trouble no one wanted to listen to this stuff
ONE WORDFinally a blue sky day
And you do the wash!
Then you go and hang everything
Out on the line, a place reached
Through two feet of snow, rotten
Ice and a pathway I shoveled
Colorful wash all day
Blowing in the wind
At dusk you go pick
Dry clothes off a rope —
For a moment your billowy
Red skirt, violet sweater,
Bright long hair blowing
In the same breeze
I come to help as
You hold one garment up to
Your face breathing in the
Fresh wash and all you
Say with a smile is

photo © bob arnold
AWASHThat night it rained through the woods —
The moon was gone after days
& days of brilliant light
Love a world
You can’t