Here's a book to knock your socks off, boots and all.
Not only was wunderkind London a classic novelist and storyteller, Yukon explorer and "Buck's" owner, journalist, socialist, world traveler, sailor; he clicked into existence over 12,000 photographs, barely known until now.
I hugged this library book to my chest when I found it.
If you want to imagine what sort of imagination unfolds in the many London stories and travel yarns, watch what happens when he reaches for his camera. To be with London and his camera after the famous San Francisco earthquake 1906 is just a start. . .

Jack London's photo of San Francisco, City Hall 1906

Jack London in Korea

Jack London's bookplate
Jack London, Photographer
Jeanne Campbell Reesman, Sara S. Hodson, Philip Adam
(University of Georgia Press, 2010)