Thursday, March 10, 2016


Dindim the penguin makes a 5,000-mile journey from Argentina to a small island near Rio de Janeiro every year to be reunited with a man who saved his life after finding him covered in oil and struggling to survive. João Pereira de Souza, 71, a retired bricklayer, found the South American magellanic penguin in 2011 and nursed him back to health

The Guardian / U.K.


Bertolt Brecht and Walter Benjamin playing chess, Denmark, Skovsbostrand, 1934

On the Terms of Exile 

No need to drive a nail into the wall

To hang your hat on;

When you come in, just drop it on the chair

No guest has sat on.

Don't worry about watering the flowers —

In fact, don't plant them.

You will have gone back home before they bloom,

And who will want them?

If mastering the language is too hard,

Only be patient;

The telegram imploring your return

Won't need translation.

Remember, when the ceiling sheds itself

In flakes of plaster,

The wall that keeps you out is crumbling too,

As fast or faster.

Translated from the German by Adam Kirsch