Saturday, July 10, 2010


Mahmoud Darwish is one of the poetic legends of the Arab World (1941-2008)

Put your name in my hand and write

please click on image to enlarge

translated from the Arabic by Jeffrey Sacks
Archipelago Books


Finally — after a good week of temperatures looming & zooming from 90-104 degrees, we get some rain. And with any luck we'll have 50 gallons of rainwater in our roof edge bucket-brigade to help water the gardens with the next heatwave. Love dem buckets. . .

by the way...speaking to a South Dakotan visiting our neck of the woods the other day, and while serving us an ice-cream cone (life is tough), he reminded us of what it was like to go through a 7 or 8 year drought Dakota/midwest style. Like everything, the story was mostly in his eyes.

photo © bob arnold