for Lynn Nankivil
At the horizon, I sit at the center of the Universe
observing all living creatures,
inhaling, exhaling the universal soul;
I discern each individual fate carefully:
Alexander the Great, President Abraham Lincoln, Czar Nicolas,
Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, people
who sailed on the Titanic, people who flew
on Pan Am flight 103 and others,
and Buddhist monks in the cursed nation of Cambodia,
and hovering in front of me--- the Kennedys---
what rose up from John-John’s karma? Or maybe JFK
wanted his son to join him
in the Nagaraja realm
and not ascend to the Devaraja?
All these beings, their appointments
set so bizarrely--- violent death.
When the body is dead
Ignorance or Knowledge adheres to the soul
and it comes back again and again….
I gleefully contemplate Knowledge;
but Ignorance frightens the wits out of me.
Greed! Anger! Hatred! Are roots of Ignorance!
Wisdom! Love! Compassion! Are fruits of Knowledge!
I pray that Wisdom, Love, and Compassion should prevail.
Looking at the sky, I see Walt Whitman;
when I look at the trees, Walt Whitman peers out at me;
when I look at the grass, he beckons me;
and when I close my eyes,
Brother Walt is beyond the earth waiting for me and you.
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