photo © bob arnold

So many have lived like I do in the far off country
And no one knew them either —
Farmers, Woodchoppers, Spectacles, Poets
Frozen feet inside well built boots gone worn
Work hands in big gloves
Nostrils watering and pinched by the blunt morning
20 below zero
River barely with a sound
That’s the ice —
Climb down through the trees, always get closer, you’ll hear something
Poem after poem I write and it's the woman I love who reads them
By firelight, by window light, by her own light
Not many buy my books in bustle world
Don’t fret, don’t weep, write more!
I write enough poems to fill a small book just
Carrying the ash pan out to the snow paths
Spreading ash onto the ice so no one slips —
First rule of poetry: no rules, Be Considerate
All of this is done in a day world of sunshine
Or beneath a night world of oh-my-gosh stars
Could we possibly count them all?
Bob Arnold says : it’s all in the title