Do you know the work of Grayson Perry?
Greek pottery meets folk art. Works in the bold coiled method, not thrown.
Came upon pottery as almost a caper. After Punk. Gave it a try. Controversial ceramic vases ensued.
He also has a female alter-ego by the name of "Claire" who shows up in the darnedest places.
Once a wild kid, of course wild because of his sensual orientations, fantasy, past family abuse and struggle... once he started dressing the part/ expressing the part, the art and lifestyle flowed. Seems unstoppable, and likewise appears most alive and most vulnerable. He dresses as "Claire" some of the time, has a wife, a family, the pottery has only increased and become more defined. He's gone through the outcast role. His commentary in a large retrospective of his work is candid and sweet stuff. He seems incapable of ever wanting to fib or play up to stature. What would be the point? His commentary (words action) goes onto a glazed pot for all the world to see.
Many flee to the land of enchantment: India, Japan. Learn lessons. Bring them home, or stay. It doesn't matter after the lesson is learned, throw it away. Throw this away.
I rather think one makes the land of enchantment from one's own outpost, dead center NYC included. An isle is there as long as you are there.
Perry is childlike, authoritative, and fearless. He will make bold comments on his pots and vases against the very museums that showcase his work. He'll ponder in public his and our mistakes. He'll make sure he is all part of the mess he is in, we are in.
I like anyone who comes to the campfire, uses the stash of dry wood, leaves behind more dry wood. Or a pot to piss in, and not to be crude — as others before me have lived and stated — the highest condition of art is artlessness.

photo: search.independent.co.uk/
see more: lmaclean.ca/
Saint Claire 37
2003, Earthenware
84 x 55 x 55 cm
2003, Earthenware
84 x 55 x 55 cm