Thursday, November 7, 2013



Poems by the ancients, translations, world wide poets, many famous, beautifully stylized and form-fitted to the page
 from WH Auden in modern times to Louis Zukofsky
 plus ~
Gary Hotham, Ce Rosenow, John Phillips, Bill Knott, Ted Kooser, Ann Deagon, Jeffery Beam, John Brandi, Kathryn Stripling Byer, Ciaran Carson,  Jim Clark, Thomas A. Clark, Cid Corman, J.V. Cunningham, Bill Deemer, Claudia Emerson, Robert Francis, Jack Gilbert, Jonathan Greene, Sam Hamill, Stephen Holt, Joseph Hutchison, Thomas Johnson, William Kloefkorn, George Ella Lyon, Jeff Daniel Marion, John Martone, Michael McFee, Thomas McGrath, Paula Meehan, Samuel Menashe, Ruth Moose, John Montague, Robert Morgan, Adam Morton, Lisel Mueller, Les Murray, Mike O' Connor, Alexis Rotella, R.M. Ryan, Steve Sanfield, Norman Schaffer,  Jack Sharpless, Paul Curry Steele, James Still, Joseph Stroud, Richard Taylor, William Thompson, Charles Tomlinson, James L. Weil, Robert West,  Jonathan Williams, Miller Williams, Joe Zaratonello, Isabel Zuber, Fred Chappell, Bob Arnold, William Harmon, Albert Goldbarth, George Garrett, Louis Bourgeois, R.L. Barth, Max Albern.

Since the majority of anthologies are devoted to strictly name poets, or those-in-the-know at the moment, I thought I'd skip the many known poets as I one-finger-type-out each 'other name' poet with my right hand as the left hand holds the book open. There is no table of contents. There is a well thought out balance in the book between renown and elsewhere.

However, if a poem is good, resonates, nourishes, it is all by itself renown.

The Broadstone Anthology of Short Poems
edited by Jonathan Greene & Robert West

Broadstone Books
418 Ann Street
Frankfort, Kentucky


I never lust

after a man

as much as

before one.



sitting here

without the mountains



All night, this soft rain from the distant past.

No wonder I sometimes waken as a child.