Hello Mike,
I like your taciturn yet friendly one liner letter. Let's try one.
I just worked an hour on tablesaw ripping out cleats for faraway cottage.
Did this in the woodshed and not tool room so to make no mess.
I recently spent two days cleaning out the tool room and renovating.
The cleats will go into the circumference shelving at faraway cottage.
Shelving I'll build that circles a room, high up, above the many windows.
It will hold 466 books!
While I was on that Susan prepared the leek/veg soup, rooms aroma.
Then she went to hang up fresh wash in the snow & wind & sun.
I could see her from the cottage where I pulled my sled of lumber.
Her hair blowing. The snow has 1/4 melted enroute to faraway cottage.
For a brief moment I was pulling sled over grass. Different sound.
Later, after breakfast (soon) I'll pull my tools up in the same sled.
Carson called and said he'd be out in the afternoon.
He's taking two girls out for breakfast and one is having a birthday.
Lucky guy.
He'll be out when the mud will melt up and be bad in the roads.
River beside him, though, where he drives. Sounds of Spring.
We have a dead red oak standing right beside a utility pole and wires.
I've had a guide line in the tree all winter to pull up a work rope.
Today's the day.
With rope lasso'd in place I'll cut at the stump and Carson will pull the tree.
Must be done now because poison ivy circles the tree under the snow.
Want the snow, not the ivy. Can also use the wood of course.
Prince was recently on a show playing as well as Hendrix.
I counted 5 piercings, maybe, in each ear. Studded.
Keep lounging — the secret to enjoying your next work week in the woods.
I can catch a whiff of your baking bread way up from here.
all's well, Bob