Alec Finlay once visited us at Longhouse many years ago with his satchel of good books, hand chosen music, a few warm clothes, and slide show of his father - Ian Hamilton Finlay's life and work from pastoral Scotland. It was about a week of family meals, visits with a few poets, ice-skating on our pond, sledding, and a Super Bowl game. AF went on to cross America visiting others. What we are sharing here is a sample of AFs hand-stamp poems available from Longhouse.

Alec Finlay once visited us at Longhouse many years ago with his satchel of good books, hand chosen music, a few warm clothes, and slide show of his father - Ian Hamilton Finlay's life and work from pastoral Scotland. It was about a week of family meals, visits with a few poets, ice-skating on our pond, sledding, and a Super Bowl game. AF went on to cross America visiting others. What we are sharing here is a sample of AFs hand-stamp poems available from Longhouse.