It's Raining
Shower shower shower shower shower shower
rain oh rain oh rain oh! oh rain oh rain oh rain!
waterdrops waterdrops waterdrops waterdrops
umbrella oh umbrella oh showered oh!
waterumbdrops waterdroppel
hoods capes and raincoats
the rain's so wet and the water soaks and soaks!
wet water wet water wet water wet water
and how nice nice nice it is isn't it
to have your feet soaked and your hair all wet
wet from the shower and the rain and the drops
of rainwater and of shower and with no dropbrella
to protect your feet and your wet hair
that won't curl up again won't curl up again
because of the shower because of the rain
because of the shower and the drops of rain
unruly hair umbrellaless hair
Raymond Queneau
E Y E S E A S (Les Ziaux)
translated from the French by
Daniela Hurezanu & Stephen Kessler
Black Widow Press 2008