Saturday, May 12, 2012


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A long poem portrait celebration of a real-deal communicator (the poet and subject!) and artist with photographs of the man in action!

Mr. Eternity ~ Longhouse, 2012. First edition. New and limited. A signed edition is available upon request.
$8, unsigned

Buy now (U.S. addresses with $2 s/h) with Paypal:

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Charles Ives

"Of all the otherworldly sounds that composers invented in the twentieth century, nothing quite matches the cosmic shudder of the opening of Charles Ives's unfinished "Universe Symphony," in which nineteen percussionists and a piccolist, each playing in a different meter and at at a different tempo, generate a swirling nebula of rhythm."

~Alex Ross

Universe Symphony (completed by L. Austin) by Cincinnati Philharmonia Orchestra on Grooveshark

dedicated to Susan Arnold

photo : Halley Erskine/Yale University