Saturday, September 30, 2017
Friday, September 29, 2017
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Monday, September 25, 2017
Many Times
There is the absolute way
Of doing it, and we have done it
Many times and again —
How I will come to you
How you will meet me
The early morning sun
Perfect on the bed, and
Stripes in the Mexican blanket
Like blood, the sea, yellow iris petals —
And it is a silly lovers ritual of ours
I hug you and you hug me and step onto
My boots, and I walk you and me around the
Sunlit room, the sway of patchouli in your hair
And your face smooth against my lips
Like the inside of your hands
Day And Night
How often have we
Stepped together into water —
You left your clothes on the rocks
And shivered your way to me
Said it was freezing as I thought
Of the mountain stream filling this
Clear basin of evening light, and how
Swallows showed us the angles of the sky
Far above barbed wire and pasture heat
Which we came down from after work
Smelling lilac in the breeze —
And it was the long blonde hair you shook
Out of a blue bandana and later braided
That had me remember the day and night
The Skin Of Her Neck
Tonight, because her hand
Is in pain, the small finger
Swollen, yes, I’ll stir the
Batter, although she is better
And first taught me how
Something is done right
And I came from behind
And smelled the skin of
Her neck, the long blonde
Hairs alive and the blouse
White and rough, tucked into
A thin summer skirt —
Winter, near Christmas
3 feet of snow and her
Body moves across the
Cabin room with summer
A clay bowl with
Colored stripes in her
Arms, the fresh heat
Of the flat iron stove
After supper
No longer summer
A windy night ahead
We sit in the kitchen
One lamp
Read before the fire
Nothing else in our lives
Boots drying
Rain on the windows
I'm In Love With You
Who Is In Love With Me
Longhouse 2012
Sunday, September 24, 2017
bell hooks ~
"Silence is present everywhere under patriarchy, though it requires
different silences from men than from women. You can imagine
the policing of gender as the creation of reciprocal silences, and
you can begin to recognize male silence as a tradeoff for power and
membership. No one ever put it better than bell hooks, who said:
The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not
violence toward women. Instead patriarchy demands of all males
that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill
off the emotional parts of themselves. If an individual is not suc-
cessful in emotionally crippling himself, he can count on part-
icular men to enact rituals of power that will assault his self-esteem.
That is, patriarchy requires that men silence themselves first (and
perhaps it's worth noting again that, though patriarchy is a system
that privileges men and masculinity, many women are complicit in it,
some men rebel against it, and some people are undoing the rules of
gender that props it up). This means learning not only to be silent to
others but also to themselves, about aspects of their inner life and self.
Reading hook's passage, I was chilled, as though I suddenly
understood that this is the plot of a horror movie or a zombie
movie. The deadened seek out the living to exterminate feeling,
either by making their targets join them in numbness or by intim-
idating or assaulting them into silence. In the landscape of silence,
the three realms might be silence imposed from within; silence
imposed from without; and silence that exists around what has not
yet been named, reorganized, described, or admitted. But they are
not distinct; they feed each other; and what is unsayable becomes
unknowable and vice versa, until something breaks."
— Rebecca Solnit
(Happy Birthday bell hooks, 25 September 1952)
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017
The Prayer Book
For years I've wanted to write a prayer book.
Why? Because I've learned
that the solid hangs upon nothingness.
Because I've found that the sentence is a kind of petition.
And because I've found that in all that I've said
in all that I've said I've said only thank you.
So, little by little,
in fact I've written that book
and today it weighs some two hundred pounds
and soon it will celebrate its fiftieth birthday
and yesterday I bought it shoes.
Aharon Shabtai (translated by Peter Cole)
Kharja / Closure
"Oh, I'll
love you alright;
long as you
manage to bend
both of my
back to the
thin silver
earrings you gave me."
(Anonymous, Mozarabic, 12th century
translate by Peter Cole)
Palestine: A Sestina
Hackles are raised at the mere mention of Palestine,
let alone The Question of — who owns the pain?
Often it seems the real victims here are the hills —
those pulsing ridges, whose folds are tender fuzz of green
kill with softness. On earth, it's true, we're only guests,
but people live in places, and stake out claims to land.
From Moab Moses saw, long ago — a land
far off, and once I stood there facing Palestine
with Hassan, whose family lives in Amman. (We were his guests
at the Wahdat refugee camp.) Wonder shot with pain
came into his eyes as he gazed across the green
valley between Nebo and Lydda beyond the hills.
Help would come, says the Psalmist, from one of those hills,
though scholars still don't know for certain whether the land
in question was Zion, or the high places of Baal. The green
olives ripened, and ripen, either way in Palestine,
and the memory of groves cut down rings on pain
for those whose people worked them, for themselves or guests.
"I have been made a stranger in my home by guests,"
says Job, in Hebrew that evolved along these hills,
though he himself was foreign to them. His famous pain
is also that of those who call the Promised Land
home in another tongue. Could what was pledged be Palestine?
Is Scripture's fence intended to guard this mountain's green?
Many have roamed its slopes and fields, dressed in green
fatigues, unable to fathom what they mean, as guests.
And armies patrol still, throughout Palestine,
as ministers mandate women and men to carve up its hills
to keep them from ever again becoming enemy land.
The search, meanwhile, goes on—for a balm to end the pain,
though it seems only to widen the rippling circles of pain,
as though the land itself became the ripples, and its green
a kind of sigh. So spring comes round again to the land,
as echoes cry: "It's mine!" —and the planes will bring in guests,
so long as water and longing run through these hills,
which some (and coins) call Israel, and others Palestine.
The pundits' talk of Palestine doesn't account for the pain—
or the bone-white hills, breaking the heart as they go green
before the souls of guests-on-earth who've known this land.
Peter Cole
Hymns & Qualms
new & selected poems & translations
Farrar, 2017

Aharon Shabtai,
Peter Cole,
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Monday, September 18, 2017
Wood For Water
How come this night
You wash in a pan
A shallow draw of stream water
Spilled down from wild apples
Of the mountain, where deer
Browse, make trail
Leave droppings
Hand over hand, you may
Think of it this way, or
Water that simply flows
Spreading into a sound of peepers
Where I’ve entered
Truck low geared
Flushing every redwing
From trees we were to clear
Blackberries grew then
Tickling stone walls
While working in the heat, high boots
Rolled pants
Many came apart wet in my hands —
Couldn’t save any, not even for you
That was a half year ago —
Now dead wood dropped, hauled, split
Chickadees perch closely, fluttering pine
There is firewood to stack dry
Someplace through winter
At night you bathe cold, cold water
Heated warm —
When you dress you forget underwear
And the thin white blouse —
Just a dress, sleeveless and red
Rope Of Bells
It is the
Rope of bells
You have put behind the door
That let me know
Whenever one of us goes
To the privy
The woodshed
The outdoors
It is Spring
Already you relax in a cotton skirt
Passing through mountains is a strong feeling
Fields plowed, new wood split, the hawk floating
Puffs of softwood in the gray hills
A river runs with snow melting
A small bridge neatly built to get by
There is a pleasure in such places
An old woman and her huge straw hat
Raking the far corner of a hay field
These Of The Morning
There is the wondrous that begins here
So easily, the pail that you put out in the rain
That fills
Walk a meadow
Hold a hand with your two hands
Be with your closest
Sunlight is never far away
We’ve crossed the small water into our surroundings
Hiked and became tired and loved
And what we didn’t bring with us
We found
In the smell of each other, the little movings
I'm In Love With You
Who Is In Love With Me
Longhouse 2012
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Friday, September 15, 2017
July 14, 1926 - September 15, 2017
opening words spoken by hunter s. thompson (from samuel johnson)
then harry dean stanton's
gears and oils voice takes over as
the only one of reason
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