from Blue Heron
Eye saw through the stranded
and creature large and blue
saw, and forced
eye back.
Foxy, the creature circled
itself, circled
itself in vine and water,
its blue and gold throat.
Radiant as
iris around pupil,
slippery enclosure
the grove of
sight makes. Were
vision purely hostile
the eye blurs, swallows,
---------forces back the stream,
the blue, covert green.
Elizabeth Robinson has a lovely following of poetry books in print — Apprehend, Pure Descent, Under That Silky Roof are an excellent start to a reading. Longhouse published from Blue Heron in 2007. She is also active with presses and forms of sharing poetry with other co-editors — EtherDome press is but one that showcases chapbooks by emerging women poets. Once of the Bay Area, Elizabeth now lives with her family in the high sky of Colorado.