Ever tear out a floor under
a fixed 300 pound cast iron
claw-foot tub? Of course you
haven’t — what fool would?
I would —
and having to leave the subfloor
in place, so all attack was from the
side or tightly under the tub
pine splitting, wedge cracking
piece by mother loving piece
and bracing the tub when working
under the claws and careful not to
harm a thing or any pipes or any
hand-painted tiles, to work instead
like a beast at
being delicate
and slide insulation board and
a new floor all back into
place by quitting time or
Bob says this poem is just as much about carpentry as it is about poetry.
photo "two bobs" : Bob Arnold, Bob Hauptman on a building site circa 1985 © susan arnold
photo "two bobs" : Bob Arnold, Bob Hauptman on a building site circa 1985 © susan arnold