
a partial list of Ted's books:
- The Work Proposed (1958)
- The Place Where I Am Standing: Poems (1964)
- This Do (1966)
- To Come, To Have Become: Poems 1961-66 (1966)
- New Sharon's Prospect & Journals (1966/1967)
- The Four Temperaments (1966)
- Characters in Certain Places (1967)
- The Diabelli Variations, and Other Poems (1967)
- Agreement and Back: Sequences (1969)
- Forms 1-5 (1970-1974)
- Views 1-7 Berkeley, CA: Maya (1970
- The Country of Our Consciousness (1971)
- Etudes (1972)
- Sitio (1973)
- The Swamp Fox (1973)
- Views (1973)
- With Light Reflected: Poems 1970-1972 (1973)
- The Mornings (1974)
- Fever Poems (1974)
- Of East Dennis: The Highlands in Sorrow (exact year not known: 197-?)
- Mahler (1975)
- Ländler (1975)
- The Median Flow: Poems 1943-1973 (1975)
- Synthesis 1-24 (1975)
- The July Book (1976)
- The Further Regions (1976)
- Carmina (1976)
- Papers (1976)
- Assensions (1977)
- Ranger CXXII & CXXVIII (1977)
- Circles (1977)
- Concentrations (1977)
- Ranger (2 vols. 1978 corrected edition 1980)
- Tailings (1978)
- Occurrence: An Issue of Theodore Enslin (1978)
- 16 Blossoms in February (1978)
- May Fault (1979)
- Opus 31, no. 3 (1979)
- 2 Plus 12 (1979)
- The Fifth Direction (1980)
- The Flare of Beginning Is in November (1980)
- Star Anise (1980)
- Two Geese: Two Poems (1980)
- Madrigal (ca. 1980)
- In Duo Concertante (1981)
- Axes 52 (1981)
- Markings (1981)
- Processionals (1981)
- September’s Bonfire (1981)
- “F. P.” (1982)
- Meditations on Varied Grounds (1982)
- A Man in Stir (1983)
- Gray Days (1984)
- Songs w/out Words (1984)
- The Weather Within (1985)
- For Mr. Walters: Master Mechanic (1985)
- The Path Between (1986)
- The Waking of the Eye (1986)
- Case Book (1987)
- Six Pavannes (1987)
- Love and Science (1990)
- Little Wandering Flake of Snow (1991)
- Mad Songs (1995)
- Conversations (1998)
- Sequentiae (1999)
- Then and Now: Selected Poems, 1943-1993 (1999)
- In Tandem (2003)
- Nine (2004)
- I, Benjamin (2010)

the saddest news just now in via phone call from richard levasseur, one of Ted's closest friends, and mine. Few words but that the good man was gone last night (Sunday-Monday) in his sleep. Ted and I read our poems in public together as a twosome a few times, maybe the most memorable for me was at Melville's home Arrowhead in the Berkshires. Goodbye musician~poet of the seascoast & hills.
Photo courtesy Whit Griffin
Photo courtesy of Alison Enslin