Saturday, March 12, 2016


Just a little word here on books —
I'm showing on this page a sample of what I picked up recently from my local library visit,
perhaps a lucky day. Yes, I read through all the books, in fact I adore and desire this. Always
have since I was about fifteen years old and really took off as a reader. Each and every book I post
on the Birdhouse has no strings attached, including the books I design and publish. I seek out
all these authors personally. I don't have the slightest marketing push to make any book anything more than it is, so I try to choose wisely on the author and the book that it won't be a whiner, a flaming ego, the hottest topic in the hot land of poetry, but rather a great read. Something I think you may want to read and want to own. Same with every book I am reading at the moment and I post onto the Birdhouse: no strings, just a great read. Try it.