Saturday, January 9, 2021



I loved this mimeograph journal when it was released in the mid70s

or so and I still love coming across a copy today.

 It doesn't fit into the new and tall and narrow bookshop

 for tiny books I built, but other books by John Brandi would. 

Once upon a time we exchanged everything with one another. 

I have kept care and even coveted a few of John's books, 

mostso the tiniest ones, often hand-painted and out 

of his back hills mountain days of New Mexico. 

Back when a book would come from John and his "Nail Press." 

My own copy of Sol Tide is tucked away somewhere 

and here this morning I am looking at Janine Pommy Vega's copy. 

Like me, Janine kept her own copy in good shape and she was part of

the issue as I was. Just look at the roster of names! 

Editor and poem-hunter John Brandi was so good at this 

sort of thing, packed away with his little

family at the time in the outback and rolling out on hand crank

mimeo (as I was) issue after issue and booklet and folder and broadside and

poem from his Tooth of Time Press. What really captured my eye of John's,

beside his own writing and press work, were his delightful drawings of either solo

adventurer or some wanderer on the trail, ever in good mood and humor. At

least by the expression on their faces. In this issue of Sol Tide, Sweetheart noticed 

a short poem of mine never republished in a book. Yes, a pretty good poem.

I think I'll print up a bookmark of the poem and share it around.

[ BA ]