from Songs for Schizoid Siblings
the bird has flown
i'm all alone.
via the edge
comes all knowledge.
were i sure i'd live twice
i'd stop taking your advice.
take it away,
tae it away,
what isn't tomorrow
is yesterday.
buy a chair
and mend a table,
catch a fact,
and write a fable.
almost all lies
are pocket size.
kissing fish was a habit
enjoyed by a rabbit
whose fur was a kind of fin.
he would look at the water
convinced that his daughter
was either without or within.
i think i often look for things
that disinfect what in me sings.
were i not a fool
would i be in school?
gentle, gentle little lamb
even you'll become a ram.
the moon will ruin
the solar tune.
the sun will split
the moon's orbit.
will saturn crack,
and bounce
sweet venus off her track.
but pluto soon
and dry neptune
will enverate
the earthen state
and rectify
the martian eye
through which,
like pitch,
a quadrate light
will burst —
and make uranus shatter first.
is you and me.
a man who rides
the lunar tides
rarely decides
on other guides.
Lionel Ziprin
Songs for Schizoid Siblings
The Song Cave, 2017