Monday, March 24, 2025




If I forget one character a day,

I will have forgotten Chinese

by the end of 2042.

Sooner or later I will forget

my quarrel with my father,

I will forget if

I ever wrote to you.

And the new language

I will have acquired

will not be the same

as the one that bit me.



Weijia Pan

Milkweed Editions


Sunday, March 23, 2025

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Friday, March 21, 2025

Wednesday, March 19, 2025



A collection of ten new poems



It was the most exciting country in the modern age. It had

mountains and rivers and cities and towns and villages and prairies

and canyons and dead ends and avenues and broadways and even

a sunset strip. A Big Muddy. It was an empire, and a folk song, and

a parade. A myriad of languages and skin color and appearances.

It had been away in world wars and bombed and also been bombed

upon, millions had died and also been born. The sun came up, the

sun went down. Stars at night overlooked all of it. Nothing was

spared. It was working, not perfectly, which is what made every

day involving. If the land was perfect, the sun and moon and stars

wouldn't have been needed. They came to help. All the people had

to do was also help themselves, and one another. It was already

there the way each person was made with two legs and two arms

and hands and two ears and eyes and a mouth that could talk. The

ability to talk! Animals couldn't talk but the people could talk to the

animals, they could talk to anything. To themselves, to a stranger, to

a loved one, while wandering lost in the woods. You are never lost

because you can talk. Until that day you refuse to talk and instead

you lie, which isn't talk, but backward words. And one comes and

lies and then another sees that easy advantage and they lie and soon

a room is lying, a whole building, all the town, into the bright lights

of the cities and soon lies sweep across the prairies. In less time than

you think everything that was working well, is now broken. A vast

majority have decided broken, somehow, is best. There are millions

of people who will now take over and lead this broken existence. In

basic electronics it is called a loose wire. Left to its own devices, it

will burn a house down.

                                                                           ~ Bob Arnold


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Tuesday, March 18, 2025


 from  The Book of Questions 

Why don't the immense airplanes

fly around with their children?

Which yellow bird

fills its nest with lemons?

Why don't they train helicopters

to suck honey from the sunlight?

Where did the full moon leave

its sack of flour tonight?

Is it true that voluptuous crocodiles

live only in Australia?

How do the oranges divide up

sunlight in the orange tree?

Did salt's teeth come

from a bitter mouth?

Is it true that a black condor

flies at night over my country?

Whom can I ask what I came

to make happen in this world?

Why do I move without wanting to,

why am I not able to sit still?

Why do I go rolling without wheels,

flying without wings or feathers,

and why did I decide to migrate

if my bones live in Chile?

And why is the sun such a bad companion

to the traveler's in the desert?

And why is the sun so congenial

in the hospital garden?

Are they birds or fish

in these nets of moonlight?

Was it where they lost me

that I finally found myself?

Why was I not born mysterious?

Why did I grow up without companions?

Who ordered me to tear down

the doors of my own pride?

And who went out to live for me

when I was sleeping or sick?

And which flag unfurled there

where they didn't forget me?

Can you love me, syllabary,

and give me a meaningful kiss?

Is a dictionary a sepulchre

or a sealed honeycomb?

In which window did I remain

watching buried time?

Or is what I see from afar

what I have not yet lived?


Pablo Neruda

The Book of Questions

translated by William O'Daly

Copper Canyon Press, 2001