NEW! from L O N G H O U S E
The Islandian Poems & Fables
Dudley Laufman
Longhouse 2015
72 pages, perfect bound, 5.5 x 6.25 inches
ISBN 978-1-929048-25-0
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Fable of the Dancing Trees
A man ran up a snow hill. From the top he could look out over much of the Islandian highlands to the south and the sloping mountains north of Morono. He could see a train on the monorail to Islandian's northernmost village. Running up the trail below him were some evergreen trees dashing rapidly out of sight below him and then climbing towards him. They surrounded him and started pushing him down the hill, their needles were sharp. He pushed some roughly away, but after some persuasive struggle they got him down the hill and over to a beautiful tree woman. She had a little tuft of needles under her lower lip, and earrings on her branches like the decorations that American John Lang talks about in their holidays they have. The man said Oh I am sorry to have pushed you, I hope I didn't hurt you. But why have you captured me? She said, I need a partner for our dance and I want you, will you please be my partner? Oh yes, he cried. Yes, I will. She took his hand and led him into a dance in the high forest of Morono. Her needles were soft.