Friday, May 31, 2024




Before I started writing and living poetry, which was about the same time I was studying judo, there was that time I picked up my father's pen, who was drawing out blueprints for construction jobs he was planning at the dining room table where we were both stationed, and in his dawdle away from the serious work, he would show me one more cartoon sketch he'd come up with, and I'd try to copy the flair and humor he had caught. I'm still drawing (see my book Poets Who Sleep), the judo outfit was worn into tatters, but the poetry is here every day. . .even if I see that most American poetry has expanded into a business, polemics and babbling, we still have those drawing cartoons, or what my weekly New Yorker subscription terms "Drawings." When I was a judo-boy at my local Boys' Club, which naturally took me to Japan, funny how it works — it also landed me more into the soft hidden nest of poetry and haiku, which is where I see the very best of the New Yorker drawings, these blessed cartoonists. I've been reading the magazine for now 50 years. Slipping past most of what is called poetry, never mind the short stories (I like to read books and wait to read Thomas McGuane and Alice Munro there) and gloriously catch myself in the flytrap of the cartoons. The best anywhere. I'm not sure if I have all the artists names right since I can barely read their haiku modest signatures, but I believe the three drawings I am showing here are by Andy Friedman, Harry Bliss, and Roland High. Poets if there ever were three.

[ BA ]

Harry Bliss

Roland High

Andy Friedman

The New Yorker

May 27, 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024



R E A D    M E

     Pegasus Books


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Friday, May 24, 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024



George Carlin speech at the National Press Club (May 13, 1999)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024



75. The Warmest Place

If spring falls short, then be the spring yourself —

you hold abundant light inside, enough to give warmth

to whatever's within reach and even what's in view:

chair midriff, door slab, icicle knob, room.

Who cares if the Baltic is frozen — a Swedish arctic fox

has found a way across the page of ice to write

a runic greeting on the snow in yellow ink

below the lamppost. The coldest place at home

is the radiator's hip, the thermal plant having closed

long ago, and it's pointless to pin your hopes

on spring. Besides you hold within yourself,

enough fire to make the covers melt right off

and thaw the district to a mile radius,

plus a fair depth, and four more dimension besides.

Just for good measure. For starters. Be springtime,

the grass' green flame, its blood, be April, be sun.

92. Never

Never have I found you more beautiful than now.

Look — we're being hunted, yet still we walk around.

In front of us a road in the dust, a lively sea.

A life that turned out as I dreamed it would be.


To the Letter

Tomasz Rozycki

translated from the Polish by Mira Rosenthal

Archipelago Books, 2023

Monday, May 20, 2024

PULL MY DAISY (1959) ~


P U L L    M Y    D A I S Y

Jack Kerouac provided improvised narration. It features poets Allen GinsbergPeter Orlovsky and Gregory Corso, artists Larry Rivers and Alice Neel, musician David Amram, art dealer Richard BellamyDelphine Seyrig, dancer[3] Sally Gross, and Pablo Frank, Robert Frank's son.

Saturday, May 18, 2024


Wait til I pack my bag Death

my toothbrush soap after-shave and some clothes

Is the climate warm over there?

Do the seasons change in the eternal whiteness?

Or does the weather stay fixed in autumn or winter?

Will one book be enough to read in non-time?

Or should I take a library?

And what do they talk over there?

vernacular or classical?


from MURAL

translated by John Berger & Rema Hammami

Verso, 2024

Mahmoud Darwish was the unofficial laureate of Palestine.

Darwish's poetry is an epic effort to transform the lyrics

of loss into the indefinitely postponed drama of return


Thursday, May 16, 2024



H A R L E M    D E T E C T I V E S

Everyman's Library, 2024

(beautifully designed books —

paper, typeface, cloth feel, color)

Wednesday, May 15, 2024



Praise Is Traditional and Appropriate

I loved the wood because I found in it

Mushrooms, berries, beetles, birds and other words,

Hedgehogs, squirrels, memories, quarrels,

        and the damp smell

Of dead leaves, and former lives.

            I reached the first barn

— where wheat was stored—halfway up the slope

            of the ravine

And saw her dancing, glancing twinkly eyes

Full of the hope and love which all thought mean,

And slate-green, slate-blue, blue or black like the sunrise

Skies, and in their variety and in their sheen

I thought that she was looking down at me

As if she understood past, present, and futurity.


The Collected Poems of Delmore Schwartz

edited by Ben Mazer

Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 2024

one of the posthumously published poems

Tuesday, May 14, 2024



                                                                                         Daniel Kramer, via Staley-Wise Gallery, New York

D A N I E L    K R A M E R

  May 19, 1932 ~ 2024



                                                                                                         Ian Willms for The New York Times

A L I C E    M U N R O

   July 10,1931 ~ 2024



   M O R E

Friday, May 10, 2024

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024



Steve Albini, Influential Producer of ’90s Rock and Beyond, Dies at 61

A musician and audio engineer, he helped define the sound of alternative rock while becoming an outspoken critic of the music industry.

T H E   B E S T   T H I N G   Y O U ' L L   R E A D   T O D A Y 



D A V I D    S H A P I R O

A friend of Longhouse ~ 

goodbye David

I'll forever remember

the phone call

from New York City

where you spoke

lovingly — poetry

art, the countryside —


for an hour