Living in the dream under a US regime
that legalized and actively encouraged
random racism
---------I was the outspoken
sister------------defiant and scared
in the parking garage
talking back to the racist aggro frat boy
How to make dream-jelly when birds
love them-------We name birds
all trilly
---------a beefy kind of bird
Life eats life--------------Here's a fig
Wheeling black vultures collect now in the elm
frosted black wings
My 3-faced goddess nests in the roots
a fruit for child birth
(I wrote child bird originally)
and think
he will go far-------------being male & white-looking & attractive
Gather leaves and dry them Sew them
with reed string
------------------for to make me a book
A story within a story
-------Tree-roots mirror branches----or veins
-----------like a placenta
Rowan's bitter berries sweeten after frost
Hoa Nguyen makes her home in Austin, Texas with Dale Smith and their two sons Waylon and Keaton. Each of her books of poems are glorious and should be hunted down and read and then shared. Longhouse published What Have You in 2008. Her newest book is Hecate Lochia from Hot Whiskey Press