coda: I've got lots of smart friends; some can even spell better than little ol' me.
At least two times I have posted this Beckett quote, and each time "charitable" has been wrong.
I worked with a plumber this morning and hunkered down into his work, back to me, I heard him mumble to himself, but loud enough for the world, "dummy". About himself. A little mistake he had made. Like the one I've been making.
I even have a kind neighbor who tried to correct my ways to get the word, finally, right. "Dummy".
When a moment might be warm again (ha!), I will remount the Beckett and snap another photograph and finally have the words of Molloy right as rain.
By the way, it should be "defence". Too.
For the moment the above has all the feeling, though wrong. I'll be changing it.
And then it will be right.