Kim Gordon
Girl in a Band
Dey Street Books
Before Spring arrives, Dey Street Books releases two memoirs by two hard rockers. Their stories aren't all that interesting but it all comes from a storied time. Both writers rely on a sort of performance craft. Christgau's writing prowess has always been his strength — twisting through venues and characters — and while Kim Gordon will tell us she doesn't practice playing her guitar, and jokes that she can't play — it's all about attitude and rebellion — like Christgau the theme that fires her book is love. For him love (lost, then found), her (lost) and it's an emptiness you feel for her by the closing of the book. Christgau has survived decades of yeoman tasks at the Village Voice helm and his narcotic music Consumer Guides. For Kim Gordon flopping down in leather jacket and party dresses, whether it's more music, her art, or a clothing line, I'm glad she made it this far, and shared a personal peep.
Robert Christgau, Going Into the City, a memoir, Dey Street Books
(Birdhouse tomorrow)