Tuesday, February 13, 2018



Once I wore a dress liquid as vodka.

My lover watched me ascend

from the subway

like I was an underground spring

breaking through.

I want to stop wanting to be wanted like that.

I'm tired of the song the rain sings in June,

the earth, her ornate crown of trees

spiking up from her loamy head.

There are things I wanted, like everyone.

But to this angel of wishes I've worshiped

so long, I ask now to admit

the world as it is.

Like a Beggar
Copper Canyon Press, 2014

Oddly, Copper Canyon Press claims Like A Beggar is the poet's third book of poetry,
neglecting to note her first book of poetry — one that I fell for at the time — 
I'm Not Your Laughing Daughter (Univ. Mass. Press, 1973). Find that neglected book.