I lose you in the wind
I count you among the dead
a necessary rope
between wind and heart
I have nothing to do with this world
if not to burn
I love you in dying
Your absence of repose
a mad wind whistles in your head
you are sick to have laughed
you fled me for a better void
that tore your heart
Tear me up if you want to
my eyes find you in the night
burning with fever
I'm cold at heart I tremble
from the depths of suffering I call you
with an inhuman cry
as if I gave birth
You strangle me like death
I know this miserably
I find you only in agony
you are beautiful like death
All words strangle me
Star pieces the sky
cry like death
I don't want life
strangling me is a kindness
the star that rises
is cold like a dead woman
Excite me, eyes
I love the night
my heart is black
Push me into the night
everything is false
I suffer
The world feels death
birds fly eyes slashed open
you are somber as a black sky
The festival will begin
in filth and fear
The stars will fall
when death approaches.
You are the horror of the night
I love you like a death rattle
you are weak like death
I love you like delirium
you know that my head dies
you are the immensity the fear
You are beautiful like slaughter
enormous heart I suffocate
your stomach is naked as the night.
You bring me straight to the end
the agony has begun
I have nothing more to tell you
I speak from the grave
and the dead are silent.
Limpid from head to toe
fragile as the dawn
the wind has shattered the heart
For the duration of anguish
the black night is a church
wherein one slaughters a pig
Trembling from head to toe
fragile as death
agony my great sister
You are colder than the earth.
Georges Bataille (1897 - 1962 )
The Poetry of Georges Bataille
translated and introduction by Stuart Kendall
SUNY Press / NY 2018