Everything I Know
About Blackness I Learned
From Donald Trump
"Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who's done an
amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice."
America I was driving when I heard you
Had died I swerved into a ditch and wept
In the dream I dreamed unconscious in the ditch
America I dreamed you climbed from the ditch
You must believe your body is and any
Body and stood beside the ditch for eight years
Thinking except you didn't stand you right
Away lay down on your pale belly
And tried to claw your way back to the ditch
You right away began to wail and weep
And gnash your teeth my tears met yours in the ditch
America they carry me downstream
A slave on the run from you as Egyptian queen
And even in my dreams I'm in your dreams
Shane McCrae
The Gilded Auction Block
Farrar, Straus & Giroux