Glassy shine
Of the old truck
Behind the bush
At the far corner table
Of the fairgrounds in a
Cage nearly hidden by
A sheet thrown over
As if neglected stood up
Rooster with feathers made
Almost mossy but wild and
Dangerous streaks of
Yellows and reds bristle
When I dared to lift
Halfway the sheet
Spring Air
Rainwater —
Enough in the
Flat of a field
For a pair of ducks
To float all day on
When pig turns
It’s all head
Ahead of us a man
With long open curls
Of gray hair carries
With one hand and leaning
Into his side a cage the
Size of a table holding
Two full-size toulouse geese
And three magnificent slime
Pond green behaved ducks
Many Spring Seasons
What I take to be
Ducklings skittering
Again across the pond
As I watched yesterday
Are old leaves blowing
Over the thinnest ice
Kids think
Nothing of
Running 100
Yards to the
Rides running
Back the 100
Yards asking
Us for money
And running
Away the 100
Yards a third
Time laughing
Paced off at thirty feet
Pairs of men toss horseshoes —
Some young and careless, others
Older and seasoned, a few older
But having to teach someone a
Lesson — my favorite was the guy
About my age who pitched his
Shoes alone — back and forth
With a ringer every third toss
Dropping softly into the sand —
He never tired, never overthrew,
Scuffed his way stake to stake
And when I left him for a moment
To watch another team finding
Later his lot vacant, shoes picked
Up with him sitting across the
Arena under a tree watching this
Favorite places at the fair
Heard far off as we approach —
Bell of horseshoes
Shaking working horse ground
Bob Arnold