Hotel Montparnasse
Written in soap on the mirror in Vallejo's room:
Paul Celan does not like to be touched.
Remedios Varo does not like talking turnips.
Frida Kahlo will not eat uncooked termites.
Robert Desnos does not like to wear a tether.
Lenora Carrington does not like to be tickled.
Jerzy Kosinski does not like to cut his toenails.
Kiki will not go near a jar of pickled tonsils.
Frederico Garcia Lorca is allergic to pasta a' la Franco.
Charlotte Corday does not like a wet wig.
Apollinaire does not like to ride in a blimp.
Mayakovsky does not like to be truncated.
Julio Cortazar does not like a wet matchstick.
Gertrude Stein does not like to be called Twinkle Toes.
Joyce Mansour cannot tolerate the sound of a tuning fork.
Pablo Picasso will not dine near Charles Baudelaire.
Cesar Vallejo does not like giving birth to Cesar Vallejo.
[ Unsigned ]
John Bradley
Hotel Montparnasse
Letters to Cesar Vallejo
Dos Madres, 2021
This glorious book of poems (portraits)
is an ideal finished film script for
Wes Anderson to now take over