Thursday, June 15, 2023



Forethoughts ~ Buying A Farm

We thought we knew what we wanted,

put earnest money down the day we first saw

the farm (fools rush in).

We wanted to be on water, and this has three-fifths

of a mile of river frontage. Did not know we'd be here

for five of the six highest floods on record.

We wanted to be secluded. Over a mile back

from a one-lane county road. Road work and

tons of rock that would cost a small fortune.

No access to potable water. Three wells dug but

no good water (sulphur and salt, the culprits)

but a cistern off the barn still works.

No electric. A right-of-way lawsuit

with our neighbors. Lawyers on all sides lying to us.

Turns out they had no clear title to their place.

After forty years we wake to our view

of the river bottom and the surrounding hill,

often socked in with river fog. Can't imagine

seeing anything else every morning.


Jonathan Greene

Going Through It

Broadstone Books, 2023