Sunday, October 8, 2023

Ana Luisa Amaral ~


The Call

"No" is the wildest word we consign to Language.

                EMILY DICKINSON

Come, I'll give you everything: every glory,

the rarest and most beautiful of seeds

so as to plant more glories, flowers

that will explode from those seeds

and then bloom, poisonous and sweet

with an aftertang of delight and loathing —

look at this one, so dull, and yet so bright.

Even the leaves that will at last

all fall, in the guise of leaves,

more cutting than piano wire,

cruel, piercing music, splint-

ers of gold and death — all yours.

Yes, all you need ( how easy! ) is to say yes.


Ana Luisa Amaral


translated by Margaret Jull Costa

New Directions, 2023